Core40 963 9'6" #3 higher modulus fly rod blank, 4pc
Buy one rod blank, get a second half price: Add any two fly rod blanks to your shopping cart from our Core30, Core40 and TIM (Taniwha intermediate modulus) ranges. The combined price for the two blanks, or any multiple of two blanks (4,6, 8 etc) will be discounted by 25%, equivalent to buying the second blank of each pair half price. Discount applied at check out.
Hot copper metallic finish only in 9'6" length, supplied with a black rod sock
The Core40 series: A very affordable range of higher performance IM10 40 ton higher modulus carbon fibre blend blanks for those looking for punchier performance at modest cost. Middle-to-tip to tip flex action, fast progressive taper, tending to medium-fast in 9'6" length.
The Core40 963 has a pleasingly crisp and responsive action ideal for upstream dry and nymph stream and river fishing, striking a balance between the benefits of added reach and the more nimble casting performance of a shorter rod.
Specifications and guide spacing
Tip-over-butt ferrules
OEM made in China